Friday, March 21, 2008

I'm Alive (I think)

Anyone who reads this, which is no one, will have to forgive me for my lack of posting. Life has been slightly insane to say the least as of late. I had an online course on Ethics that ended last Monday that I did a million hours of work for, and also I have been working a lot more hours than I am supposed to be (stupid boss), but nevertheless protecting people from caffeine deprivation.

I still intend on posting on success (thanks Victoria for responding and Caleb for making me look like a morn - don't be so smart when you respond to me! just kidding). I also wanna try and post this summer some book reviews of some books I have really enjoyed this school year. The list probably will be "Back to Virtue" by Peter Kreeft (evangelical Catholic), Malcolm X by Alex Haley, possibly Innerancy by Sproul (I know I am such a fundamentalist), and some others. Should be fun.

I just finished a whole lot of work, and have some time off so maybe I will post soon. Sucks because I haven't had internet in my apartment for about a month now. Makes this much more difficult to say the least.

I am leading worship at an Easter service on Sunday. That should be interesting. There will be live baptisms going on and being broadcast on the screens while I lead. It will for sure b e different, but I am excited. Hope you all enjoy your Easter weekend, and hopefully not as much but nevertheless, March Madness! Go Hoyas!

1 comment:

Victoria said...

My pastor in Spain, Troy, is in love with Peter Kreeft. In an intellectual way. I haven't read anything by him so let me know what's good.