Saturday, March 17, 2007

An Update on Life/Random Thoughts

Ok, so for the four of you that might check this out, I am sorry for the lack of posting as of late. I have a few posts primed and ready, but have not gotten to them yet. I will be posting a book review of Rob Bell's "Velvet Elvis" this week (I hope), and soon after hopefully one on "Fool's Gold" by John MacArthur.

So an update. February has been a rough month. This is the reason for a lack of inspiration here. It was a month where I allowed a lot of different things to take priority of the Word of God in my life, and struggle has ensued. I am hoping that is progressively changing. Sanctification is a process, unfortunately, and I can't just flip a light switch and become the person I want to be. The problem is, if I let that discourage me, it will get me nowhere. The beginning of March, however, began with a great weekend. The leadership in the youth group I lead Junior High worship for and volunteer with had a retreat in which we studies systematic theology and worshipped the Lord together. Now, coming from Liberty and having a Biblical Studies degree, I could have just acted like an arrogant fool as if I knew systematic theology like the back of my hand, but (for once) I was humble and really allowed God excite me with the truths of His Word again.

Rather than the details, one principle stands out to me. Proper theology should result in a passionate, Christ-exalting response of praise, rather than a general puffing up of knowledge. This is hard for me to keep in the forefront of my mind as I pursue degrees and write papers and take tests. This is not about knowledge. My pursuits are not about degrees, or about academia. Every time I approach my studies or my time in the Word or at church like this, I am wasting an opportunity to praise and exalt Christ in my heart. It’s a shame, because it happens too often.

The analogy goes like this. If you start dating someone, you can probably name a few reasons that you like that person (if you haven't known them too long). You could have been attracted to them because of their looks, or their kindness, or maybe the fun-loving attitude. But as your relationship matures, you begin to draw in a wide knowledge of who that person is. As time progresses, the reasons you like that person, or love them, is probably vastly more complex and beautiful than the original reason. The same goes for our relationship with the Lord. So many only know a small amount about who the Lord is, and they genuinely praise and glorify Him for these few things. However, there is a vast plethora of characteristics about the Lord and doctrine concerning our relationship for Him that can result in vastly deeper and more meaningful form of worship (not just with music) than the original. Too many of us just like the Lord (if we are honest), and this is only because we know so little about Him. If we know Him well, the only response is a deep and passionate love for Him. To many of us are still in the stage where we know about the Lord what a high school couple knows about each other. However, if you ask a wife why she loves her husband, it’s not because of the smile or his charm (if it is a healthy marriage), but rather probably because of his integrity, faithfulness, and his constant care under distress. We should aspire to know so much about God.

Regardless, I was challenged by the weekend, and had some leaders really speak truth into areas in which I am struggling and NEED to work on. I got to spend so much time with people much more godly than myself, many of them younger, and it was very challenging and encouraging.

Please pray for me, as I am contemplating a lot of issues in my life, mostly associated with my church and worship and my role there, as well as some other things. Though the request is ambiguous, I think that is specific enough to pray for. I will update you all on this if the need arises.

Now, as I get off of my soapbox, and attempt to live what I am talking about, I have a few more, less important thoughts.

On is that March Madness has begun, and it is great. I won my pool last year and hope to again. My final is Georgetown over Florida. Hope I pull that one off.

I have developed a slight addiction to espresso since I began working at Starbucks two months ago. I crave it when I have days off.

I don't believe global warming is legitimate (30 years ago at the peak of industrialization many scientists believer we were going to enter a global ice age), but IF IT IS REAL, I say bring is too stinkin' cold. I hate the cold. People who like it are lying to try and impress you. That should not be something you like about them.

Ok, there is the update. Please be on the look out for my book reviews coming up and leave comments on what you think! Thanks!


Victoria said...

It's really hard for me for my head knowledge of the Lord to convert into a deeper love for Him. I'm learning that spending time is the key to that- the more time I spend with the Lord, the more I love him. I can know a lot but my response of love doesn't last as long as my memory of knowledge... so I like what you said. Just so you know, Spain is the land of espresso and it's like 60 degrees here. Too bad I don't like coffee...

Victoria said...

I have a question that you should blog on someday. Can you claim promises that are based on poetical books?
okay thanks.